Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So much has happened! People have come! People have gone! My brain has been tired! My brain is reinvigorated! Wait, wait. I gotta slow down. Specifics. Specifics?
Specific #1-My family came down from Wisconsin to hug and love and bicker about politics with. We fought, kissed, hugged, and laughed. It all worked, and...I think they may be new readers here!
Specific #2-My two good friends Peter and Brigita are getting married! We ate lunch (above) and they told me! Its set for fall. In the mountains. I'm really behind this union.
Specific #3-School is over, and it damn near killed me.
Specific #4-Louis and I got emails letting us know that we were accepted to teach in Spain next year! We applied back in March, but thought it a bit slim. We were wrong! Both Louis and I were assigned the region of Extremadura. We will be teaching classes on North American culture in the public school system. I couldn't sleep last night. I can't even think right now. All I know is that I am going to have a hard time waiting for September.
Until September, I am going to spend a lot of time with friends. I think this is the summer for outdoor friendship dinners at least twice a week. Before Spain, I am going to soak up all the North American culture I can get my hands on.
Speaking of America, spring is here, and is popping out of ever nook and cranny:


  1. Friends, summertime, lot's of North American cultre!! I love you Sarah, and your amazing blog. you.inspire.me.

  2. So really... How soon can I get you to hey New York? Because I am really needing you.
