Monday, May 10, 2010


Clean house. Cleaner than I've ever seen it. Today, I'm finishing up some finals with hope that soon it will be over-friday-! I can read a book that does not require a dictionary and write a sentence without a footnote. I do understand why we have footnotes. But, it can feel like no one believes a single word coming out of your lying mouth. Footnotes are a way of defending yourself. I could never be friends with people that make me do that every time I state a fact or paraphrase an argument.

I made the best loaf yet, and am thinking that it will be tasty with goat cheese, avocados and pepper for lunch tomorrow. In reality, that is exactly what I ate for lunch yesterday. I tend to eat a variation of the same thing for two-week periods, then switch. Do others do that? I once at a half-honeydew every night during the summer. I was 14.
Every time I look at this bread my mind says, "plate tectonics, plate tectonics!"
These are the triceratops and brachiosaurus that now live in our house: