Friday, May 7, 2010


"What is that?" I asked myself when I walked out class on Wednesday. Is it a new sort of baby cage? To be fair, at the time, there was a baby inside one of them. It seemed like a great idea, but really impractical to take that everywhere for your little one. Well, it turns out the architecture department was doing their submissions for final, and this one was about space manipulation.
I love it.
I love the shape, and the colors, and the way the weather was perfect. As I looked through my pictures I realized they are slightly tipped, swaying through the frames, like the wind was rocking the small baby to sleep.
Albuquerque can seem a little sleepy when it comes to art. I'm so pleased when she reminds me that her creative heart is loud and beating.

One of my classes, Imperial Russian History, has been wrapping up with presentations from each student. These can be pretty sleepy, but today my classmate, Kate, gave a completely unintentional, but hilarious, talk today about this history of magic in Russia. In a truly New Mexican fashion, everything was related back to our culture. At the end, a student asked why magic seems to translate, people seem to hold onto it throughout the ages, and many of the traditions, like the evil eye, are still here.
Kate thought for a minute, and then replied, "I don't know, I think its a bit like this: we like eating beans and chili. Even when we are living in houses with marble floors we will still be eating them."

I'm planning on making myself a burrito, of the beans and chili sort. Then, I'll sit outside and let the wind rock me to sleep. Maybe this post should be entitled a love song to New Mexico. I'm feeling the love right about now, in every gentle breeze rushing through my room.

1 comment:

  1. Wow these pods are cool!
    The weather was exactly like that here today... It would have been so great to nestle in one of these for a while!
