Today, I'm going to recapture yesterday. It a doozy, we'll go from south to the north in about 3 hours. Don't worry. Its worth it.

The night started out at El Sabor de Juárez, which just happens to be the yummiest food, and only 2 blocks from Louis' house. That makes it a double yes, and we had never been there before, but o, yes will we be there again. Erin, Louis' neighbor and our friend, was also there, but all the pictures I took of her turned out grainy and don't do her justice. Too much beauty for one frame. I ordered the flautas plate, E&L ordered the tostada, chile relleno, and much much more plate. I ate that food so fast I didn't realize it was gone, and wanted a whole lot more. They also sold toys and jewelry at the counter.
Afterwards Louis and I hurried over to the annual, much anticipated, one-of-a-kind show by Chris Sand, Sandman, the rappin' cowboy poet. He came down from North Dakota and played, rapped, and recited poetry. All outdoors in the midst of some gusty breezes. It felt warm, like an old friend returning to tell you jokes and laugh with you. In reality, I only spent a few days with him last year, but I think thats what makes him so great. He is a new friend, he is an old friend, he is funny, and this last picture looks like he may communicate with the divine.
gracias, sarita. hasta pronto!